
A wide range of stimulating Stretch Activities designed specifically for nursery programmes.

stretch-activities-exercise-fun-babies-childrenBaby and Toddler Movement, Sensory and Massage Classes
3 months up to 3 years old

Classes are tailored for the carers to attend with the babies and toddlers to help follow gentle movement and relaxation exercises derived from yoga poses. 

Imaginative story telling used to guide them through the session and massage techniques.

A combination of songs games, nursery rhymes and sensory materials including scarfs, bubbles and visual aides are used to engage the children.


  • Helps the children gain in confidence
  • The classes enable the children to enjoy doing exercise which is fun and exciting.
  • Can   promote sleep for babies and toddlers
  • Helps to aid wind, colic and constipation.
  • The  children learn important listening, communication and observational skills

 Music and Movement
3 months up to 5 years old

Our instructor guides the children to work together on basic motor and social skills. Together, they will practice a variety of gentle moves, new songs actions and traditional nursery rhymes finishing  with relaxation time.  Classes are combined with accompanying music, instruments and puppets.


  • Helps the parents and children to strengthen balance, body awareness and co-ordination
  • Learning new rhythms and music skills helps stimulate parts of the children’s brains involved in reading and maths.
  • Helps to calm and relax active children who need lots of stimulation
  • The children learn important listening, communication and observational skills.

2-5 year olds

In a happy atmosphere French is taught to the parents and children through play in a wide variety of stimulating language activities and games. The lessons are planned around diversity of themes and projects which are practical, interesting and …great FUN including pictures puppets and other visual materials.


  • Encourages children to enjoy learning a new language through movement, songs and fun games
  • The  children  learn about a different culture
  • Helps to improve children’s listening and communication skills 

2-5 year olds

The teacher Interacts in Spanish with the parents and their children as they are led through different fun workshops which are especially adapted to the language development of this age group. Dynamic teaching includes songs, rhymes, dances, sensorial activities and puppets.


  • Encourages children to learn a new language through movement, games and fun songs.
  • The children  learn about a different culture
  • Helps to improve children’s listening and communication skills 

2-5 year olds

The sessions are designed for children to have  fun and enjoy an  exciting experience. Every week the teacher introduces a different theme into each class to combine  games,  dramatic play, music , role play, storytelling and singing. Abundant visual and sensory materials e.g. puppets and masks are used throughout the classes. 


  • The sessions help to teach children how to co-operate, and to share, interact and communicate with other children in their class.
  • Drama classes enable children to express themselves emotionally.
  • The children gain in confidence.

Football and Toddler Sports
2-5 year olds

Sessions are developed for the children to learn new football and sports skills including ball games, assault course and cones.  We combine a variety of football exercises alongside learning new ball control dribbling and football games.  We provide all equipment including cones, rope ladders, tunnels inflatable goals, bean bags and mini footballs.


  • Children  learn to work as a team with their friends 
  • Children learn about health and keeping fit in a fun way
  • Promotes coordination, balance and confidence
  • children and parents learn to work as a team and maintain a good rapport
  • Teaches parents and children about health and keeping fit 
  • Promotes coordination, balance and encourages parents to have fun with their children through football.

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